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Give Your Child the Gift of a Healthy Smile

By December 10, 2020November 9th, 2023Kids Dentistry

Can you believe it’s already the holiday season? After a long and interesting year (to say the least!), we all deserve a reason to celebrate with our families. And as pediatric dentists in Englewood, Central Park and Thornton, you know what we think is the perfect gift this year. To us, there’s no better way to show your little ones you care than by setting them up for lifelong oral health.

Okay, we know it’s not a traditional gift, but this year the Kids Mile High team encourages you to give your kids the gift of a healthy smile. After all, it really is the gift that keeps on giving: not only does a healthy smile support your children’s health overall and reduce their need for serious (and costly) intervention in the future, it’s also proven to boost their self-esteem, happiness and confidence.

Wondering what you can do to support your children’s oral health? Here are some simple tips for keeping your kiddos’ teeth strong and healthy this holiday season and beyond.

Book Your Child’s First Dental Appointment by Age One

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that all children have their first dental appointment by age one, or within six months of the eruption of their first tooth. On average, kids begin to get their primary teeth around six months old, and it’s important to have those little pearly whites examined by a professional to make sure they’re coming in properly.

At your child’s first dental visit with their Central Park, Thornton or Englewood pediatric dentist, we’ll take a look at their overall dental health and assess any potential issues, as well as provide tips for proper oral hygiene and give some nutritional guidance. The goal is to establish healthy habits early on to set your child on the path to a beautiful, healthy smile.

Teach Your Kids Tooth-Healthy Habits

We’re always here to support our patients and provide education on taking care of your kids’ teeth, but the real work happens at home. Getting kids excited about brushing and flossing their teeth is a tall order, but it’s a necessary one, so the sooner you get started the better. Fortunately, there are creative ways to make oral hygiene fun for kids. Here’s how:

  • Brush and floss as a family, because kids love to mimic their parents!
  • Play a two-minute tune to ensure your children brush for the appropriate amount of time
  • Reward your kiddos for brushing and flossing every day
  • Turn brushing and flossing into a game to get rid of those nasty sugar bugs
  • Let your little ones choose their own toothbrush and toothpaste so they feel like they have a say

Practice Preventive Dentistry

When it comes to kids’ oral health, it’s always better to prevent issues from happening than try to fix them afterwards. That’s why preventive dentistry is the best dentistry for kids. When you take preventive measures, it helps your child avoid oral health problems like cavities, gum disease, enamel decay and more.

Dental sealants are one of the best ways to take preventive action for your kids’ teeth. They’re basically like protective armor that blocks out all the bad stuff, like bacteria, plaque, acids and food particles that eat away at your child’s teeth. Dental sealants are made from a thin plastic that’s painted onto the chewing surfaces of the teeth to create a barrier over the enamel of each tooth, keeping your child’s teeth as healthy as possible. Fluoride treatments are another fantastic preventive dentistry option and we’re not talking about the yucky, messy kind in trays. These days, we apply fluoride varnish to your child’s teeth and they’re free to go about their day.

Visit an Orthodontist By Age Seven

If a pediatric dentist is like a general practitioner for your child’s teeth, an orthodontist is a specialist that focuses on a specific aspect of oral health. Orthodontists are primarily concerned with straightening the teeth and aligning the bite to create beautiful, functional and healthy smiles. While there’s no standard age for kids to first visit an orthodontist, most dental professionals recommend seeing an orthodontist by the time your child turns seven.

Similar to your child’s first dental visit, their first orthodontic appointment gives their doctor a chance to examine, diagnose and prevent potential bite issues. It also gives parents and kids a better idea of whether they’ll need orthodontic treatment in the future.

Schedule Regular Dental Appointments

Aside from taking all the necessary steps at home to care for your child’s teeth, regular visits to your pediatric dentist in Central Park, Thornton or Englewood are crucial to your child’s ongoing oral health. Kids should see their dentist approximately every six months to keep an eye on their development and watch out for any incoming problems. We’ll also do routine cleanings and can add on fluoride treatments or dental sealants if you’d like. And if you still have questions, the Kids Mile High team is always here to help you out.

Ready to book your child’s first dental appointment or schedule regular visits to your pediatric dentist? Contact Kids Mile High today.

Dr. Paddy

Author Dr. Paddy

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